
Light Oaks School Governors 

Light Oaks Junior School Governing Board is made up of up to twelve governors. Currently these are:: 

  • Chair of the Governing Board – Ms Sharon Hughes 

  • Vice Chair - Mr Tecwyn Wright 

  • Head Teacher Governor – Mrs Zandra Wilkinson 

  • Staff Governor – Mrs Lucy Waddington 

  • Local Authority Governor – Cllr Michelle Barnes 

  • Parent Governor - Mr Stuart Greer 

  • Parent Governor - Ms Helen Smith 

  • Associate Governor – Mrs Claire Walker (Deputy Head) 

  • Co-opted Governor – Mrs Olive Goodall 

  • Co-opted Governor - Mrs Rachel Dodge 

  • Co-opted Governor – Ms Caroline Stevens

Contacting the Chair of Governors

Should you wish to contact the Chair of the governing board, or any other governor, you may do so in writing care of Light Oaks Junior School, Lancaster Road, Salford. M6 8LU. 

Please mark your correspondence as "private and confidential". 

Governors' Allowances 

Governors do not claim any allowances at our school. 

Diversity of the Governing Board 

The DfE have asked that we publish details of the diversity of our governing board. In order to protect identities, we will only report on a select number of characteristics which we collect: 

Gender: male: 18% female: 82% 

Ethnicity: White British: 100%Other: 0% 

Structure of Light Oaks Junior School Committees


A full Governing Board meeting is held once every term. The Governing Board also has three sub committees which monitor and provide strategic direction, challenge and support for the areas which they cover. These are: 

  1. Welfare, Inclusion & Pupil Support 

  2. Resources 

  3. Standards 

Each sub committee meets once a term and focusses on more specific areas of school governance. Recommendations made by sub committees are then taken back to the fully Governing Board for final approval. 

Welfare, Inclusion and Pupil Support Committee 

Chair: Olive Goodall 

This Committee has responsibility for: 

  • Safeguarding and child protection 

  • Behaviour 

  • Special Educational Needs and disabilities 

  • Looked after and post adoption children 

  • Equalities 

  • Attendance and Punctuality 

  • Personal Development & Well Being 

  • SEMH (Social, Emotional and Mental Health) 

  • Disadvantaged Pupils 

  • Health Promotion and Sport Premium 

  • Parental Engagement and Liaison 


Finance and Resources Committee 

Chair: Tecwyn Wright 

This Committee has responsibility for: 

  • Budgets - long term strategy and short term monitoring 

  • Financial and Business management 

  • Health & Safety 

  • Premises 

  • Staffing & HR 

  • Appraisals & CPD including pay recommendations 

  • Partnerships 


Standards Committee 

Chair: Sharon Hughes 

This Committee has responsibility for: 

  • Strategic Planning and Target Setting 

  • School Self Evaluation 

  • School Development Plan 

  • Pupil outcomes, data & monitoring including for significant groups 

  • Internal and external assessment & tracking of pupils 

  • Teaching & Learning 

  • Narrowing the Gap (Disadvantaged pupils) 

  • Curriculum 

  • Website 

Register of personal, pecuniary or business interests

  • All the governors and associate members of Light Oaks Junior School listed below have signed the Register of personal, pecuniary or business interests 

  • This is a declaration of any personal or business interest they or any relative or person closely connected with them, have with businesses or other organisations that may have dealings with the school. This could for example include owning or having a relative work for a business that had dealings with school; having a relative working in or for school or being a governor of another school.  

  • If any interest a governor has could be seen to cause a conflict of interest they would be asked to withdraw from any decision making concerned. This is to ensure that our governors can always be seen to be putting the interest of the school first. Any potential conflict it is shown below. 

Ms Sharon Hughes 

Date of Appointment and Term of Office: 12/10/23 – 11/10/27 
Category: Co-opted  

Responsibilities: Chair of Governing Board, Chair of Standards Committee, Young Carers Governor 

Appointed by: Governing Board 

Relevant Interests: none 

Attendance over the last academic year: Full Board Meetings 3/3 (100%) Committee Meetings: 9/9 (100%) 


Mrs Zandra Wilkinson 

Date of Appointment and Term of Office: 14/10/13 - Present 

Category: Headteacher 

Responsibilities: N/A

Appointed by: Governing Board 

Relevant Interests: niece of Governor Mrs O Goodall 
Attendance over the last academic year: Full Board Meetings 3/3 (100%) Committee Meetings: 9/9 (100%) 


Mr Tecwyn Wright 

Date of Appointment and Term of Office: 12/10/23 – 11/10/27 

Category: co-opted 

Responsibilities: vice chair, chair of finance and resources committee, health & safety governor  
Appointed by: Governing Board 

Relevant Interests: none 

Attendance over the last academic year: Full Board Meetings 1/3 (33%) Committee Meetings: 6/9 (67%) 


Mrs Claire Walker 

Date of Appointment and Term of Office: 12/10/23 - 11/10/27 

Category: Associate (No voting rights) 

Responsibilities: N/A

Appointed by: Governing Board 

Relevant Interests: wife to teaching assistant Darryll Walker; Chair of Governors at Sacred Heart RC Primary School, Westhoughton, Bolton 
Attendance over the last academic year: Full Board Meetings 2/3 (67%) Committee Meetings: 7/9 (78%) 


Mrs Olive Goodall 

Date of Appointment and Term of Office: 12/10/23 - 11/10/27 

Category: Co-opted 

Responsibilities: Chair of the Welfare, Inclusion and Pupil Support Committee, Attendance Governor 

Appointed by: Governing Board 

Relevant Interests: aunt to the headteacher 

Attendance over the last academic year: Full Board Meetings 3/3 (100%) Committee Meetings: 9/9 (100%) 


Mrs Rachel Dodge 

Date of Appointment and Term of Office: 4/9/2022 - 3/9/2026 
Category: co-opted 

Responsibilities: Looked after and post-looked after children; Safeguarding 

Appointed by: Governing Board 
Relevant Interests: none 

Attendance over the last academic year: Full Board Meetings 1/3 (33%) Committee Meetings: 7/9 (78%) 


Cllr Michelle Barnes 

Date of Appointment and Term of Office: 28/3/2022 - 27/3/2026 
Category: Local Authority 
Responsibilities: Looked after and post-looked after children 

Appointed by: Salford City Council 
Relevant Interests: none 

Attendance over the last academic year: Full Board Meetings 2/3 (67%) Committee Meetings: 4/9 (44%) 

Mr Stuart Greer 

Date of Appointment and Term of Office: 9/12/2022 - 8/12/2026 
Category: Parent 
Responsibilities: PE governor

Appointed by: Parent vote 
Relevant Interests: none 

Attendance over the last academic year: Full Board Meetings 2/2 (100%) Committee Meetings: 6/6 (100%) 


Ms Helen Smith 

Date of Appointment and Term of Office: 12/9/2022 - 11/9/2026 
Category: Parent 
Responsibilities: none 

Appointed by: Parent vote 
Relevant Interests: none 

Attendance over the last academic year: Full Board Meetings 0/2 (0%) Committee Meetings: 2/6 (33%) 

Mrs Lucy Waddington (Nee Bird) 

Date of Appointment and Term of Office: 12/9/2022 - 11/9/2026 

Category: Staff 
Responsibilities: none 

Appointed by: Staff vote 
Relevant Interests: none 

Attendance over the last academic year: Full Board Meetings 3/3 (100%) Committee Meetings: 8/9 (89%) 

Ms Caroline Stevens

Date of Appointment and Term of Office: 9/12/2022 - 8/12/2026 
Category: Co-opted 
Responsibilities: none 

Appointed by: Governing Body 
Relevant Interests: none 

Attendance over the last academic year: Not yet in post 


Mrs Clare Richardson 

Date of Appointment and Term of Office: 4/12/21 – 31/8/23 

Category: Local authority 
Responsibilities: n/a 

Appointed by: Local Authority 

Relevant Interests: none 
Attendance over the last academic year: Full Board Meetings 2/3 (67%) Committee Meetings: 2/9 (22%) 

Latest Posts

@JuniorOaks - 23rd Jul 2024
Teachers v netball team! What a game to end the year!! 🏐Thank you to everyone who has played this year - I’m so proud of you all! All of the Light Oaks netball teams over the past 10 years will forever hold a special place in my heart! Mrs Waddington 🩵— Light Oaks Junior School () July 23, 2024
@JuniorOaks - 23rd Jul 2024
Such a great day Manchester. So many activities, great service and so much fun had by all. Would definitely recommend it to other schools as an end-of-year trip!— Light Oaks Junior School () July 23, 2024
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@JuniorOaks - 17th Jul 2024
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@JuniorOaks - 17th Jul 2024
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