
Light Oaks Junior School was inspected in January 2020.  We were delighted at the Inspector's findings; he was impressed at all the good work we are doing for the children in our school, our new curriculum plans and our inclusive ethos. 

Full Report Letter

Who are Ofsted and what do they do?

Ofsted are the Office for Standards in Education and they are a body who inspect schools to ensure they are doing a good job. Schools are given a grade:

  • Outstanding - the school gives an excellent education for their children and will not be inspected again unless there are concerns around safeguarding, falling standards or complaints from parents.
  • Good - the school gives a good overall standard of education. These schools are inspected every 2-3 years and the inspection usually lasts one day.
  • Requires Improvement - support is needed to improve the school to become good. A programme of improvement and inspection will be put in place. Inspections will last two or more days.
  • Inadequate - the school needs intense support and may be asked to become an academy to help it improve quickly.

During the inspection, parents, teachers and pupils are asked for their opinion of the school. You can do this at any time via parent view.

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Schools are judged on their overall standard of education. This includes:

  1. Quality of education
    1. Intent
    2. Implementation
    3. Impact
  2. Behaviour and attitudes
  3. Personal development
  4. Leadership and management