Safeguarding in the Curriculum

Safeguarding children is everyone’s responsibility.  Light Oaks Junior School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and requires all staff and volunteers to share and demonstrate this commitment in every aspect of their work.

The wellbeing of our pupils (including their mental and physical health), safeguarding and the promotion of fundamental British Values are at the core of our work at Light Oaks Junior School. Our curriculum provides opportunities for children to learn about keeping themselves safe, both emotionally and physically. Lessons across the curriculum enable our children to develop an understanding of diversity whilst acquiring the knowledge and skills that positively impact on personal development, behaviour and welfare.

We value pupils’ questions and give children space to develop their own thoughts, ideas and concerns. Opportunities enable children to explore values, personal rights, responsibilities and equal opportunities that develop moral concepts that impact positively on safeguarding. We plan to constantly challenge children to think deeply about safeguarding matters and their own personal physical and mental wellbeing. Our Wellbeing curriculum has been designed to cover what our children need under themes such as those below:

Relationships Mental Health & Wellbeing Character for Learning & for Life Ourselves: Personal Development

• Same and different – equality education Stereotypes

• Types of relationships

• Healthy relationships

• Friendships

• Online relationships

• Conflict resolution

• Bullying

• Change

• Feelings

• Kindness and happiness

• Mental Health



• Mindset

• Character for learning

• It’s not all about me…

• Honesty

• The power of words

• The power of influence

• Being part of a community

• Compassion

• Self improvement

• Goal setting

• Identity

• Personality

• Self advocacy

• Strengths and weaknesses

In addition, we have a full programme of thematic learning which covers:

  • Health & Safety – home safety, outdoor safety, general safety, relationship safety; first aid and healthy living
  • Living in the wider world – British Values; Rules, Rights and Responsibilities; extremism; aspirations (careers)
  • Sex Education – a full programme delivered by teachers in all classes.
  • Online safety – both in themed weeks and in all lessons where IT is being used.

In addition to this, practical safeguarding opportunities are planned into the curriculum. E.g.

  • Road safety (through out of school visits)
  • Poolside and water safety through swimming lessons
  • Being lost – how to get help on a school visit
  • Safe use of technology and the internet
  • The rule of law and community awareness through our local PCSOs
  • The importance of a healthy diet and regular exercise for both physical and mental wellbeing.

Our trauma informed behaviour policy promotes compassion, understanding, equity, consequences, making amends, reparations and forgiveness.

Assembly time is used to promote personal safeguarding matters and explore themes.  Regular visits by the emergency services such as the fire service and the PCSO allow our children to learn how to keep themselves and others safe during Bonfire Night and Halloween.

Teachers are quick to challenge stereotypes and derogatory language in lessons and around the school. Our broad curriculum reflects the diversity of children’s experiences and provide pupils with a comprehensive understanding of people and communities beyond their immediate experience. Throughout the curriculum there are planned opportunities to promote all forms of equality and foster greater understanding of and respect for people of all faiths, races, genders, ages, disability and sexual orientations, through their words, actions and their influence.

Our work on the UNICEF rights of the child ensure that our children develop self-advocacy, alongside compassion and a deep understanding of the importance of our rights.